Η Ixel Perez, μια νεαρή μαθήτρια στο Sam Houston, ακινητοποιήθηκε βίαια από τρεις αστυνομικούς επειδή αρνήθηκε να δώσει το κινητό της τηλέφωνο στον αναπληρωτή διευθυντή του σχολείου. Η σχολική περιφέρεια δήλωσε ότι θα ερευνήσει το περιστατικό. Η μαθήτρια, σύμφωνα με δηλώσεις της, αρνήθηκε να δώσει το κινητό της επειδή ανησυχούσε για την άρρωστη μητέρα της.
Ixel Perez, a young student at Sam Houston, was pinned down by three Houston Independent School District (HISD) police officers. The school district said it’s aware of the video and is working to find out exactly what happened.
Ixel Perez refused to give her cellphone to an assistant principal. She said she disobeyed the order because she was worried about her disabled mother, who has kidney problems and receives dialysis treatment.
“I checked my phone, that’s the only reason I got sent out of class by my reading teacher. And my reading teacher was talking to me and the AP comes into the conversation and just said ‘Give me your phone, give me your phone,’” Perez described. “I did not want to give her my phone because I was still worried about my mama.”
“I walked downstairs and there were two cops coming up in front of me and a cop from behind me,” Perez said. “The cop behind me pulled my jacket back.”
Perez said she tried to tell them she was talking to her mother, but they told her they did not care.
“I didn’t want to let go of my phone so they like, pinned me down to the floor,” she said. “One of them was behind me, like on my legs and trying to put the handcuffs on. It hurt a lot. And the other cop has his knee on my head, all his weight on me, and I was screaming because it hurt so much. I was crying because I thought I was going to get in trouble with my mom.”