Ο Josh Paler Lin, γνωστός για τα βίντεο με τις φάρσες που κάνει, έδωσε 100 δολλάρια σε έναν άστεγο. Είχε κρυμμένες κάμερες και πίστευε ότι ο Τόμας, ο άστεγος, θα τα χρησιμοποιούσε για αλκοόλ. Μετά από λίγο ο Τόμας μπαίνει σε ένα κατάστημα με ποτά και τρόφιμα. Η έκπληξη είναι ότι βγαίνοντας κατευθύνεται σε ένα πάρκο και βγάζει από τις τσάντες του τρόφιμα τα οποία μοιράζει σε άλλους άστεγους που είχαν ανάγκη για φαγητό.
Μόλις δημοσιεύσαμε αυτό το βίντεο η καμπάνια συγκέντρωσης χρημάτων για τον Τόμας είχε φτάσει ήδη στα 30.000$ και μετά από 14 περίπου ώρες έχει ξεπεράσει τις 60.000$
Josh Paler Lin, known for his video pranks, gave $100 to a homeless man. He had hidden cameras and believed that Thomas, the homeless man, would use the money to get alcohol. After a while Thomas walks in a liquor store. The surprise is that when he gets out, he goes to a park and gives to other homeless people who were hungry, food that he had bought in the store.
When we published this video, the fund raising to help Thomas was already at $30,000 and now, about 14 hours later, it is over $60,000 USD
I wasn’t expecting to get this kind of footage… to be honest, I thought this video would be more an exposing homeless people video at first. But I’m so glad that I could witness and capture such a beautiful moment. This has to be one of the most amazing experience so far on this channel. I did not only just help a homeless man, but I actually met an incredible human being and a friend. We were following him for a couple miles for almost an hour or so. Later that day we took him out to eat and got him a hotel to stay. The more I talk to him, the more I sense how genuine he is…. I gave him my number and told him to call me when he needs help. This again proof that not all the homeless people are bad people. Never judge a book by its cover. One love! 🙂